Spiderman turns 3......oh, and eats pancakes with ice cream for breakfast....

Sorry, no cake for you Lachie.....unless it's pureed from carrots and pears....

I'm glad he settled for 3 years old...I didn't have 29 candles anyway...

It was Lucas' birthday this week - the big 3 .....don't ask him though, when we asked him how old he was turning he said 29! Whoa, that makes me 62 then. No wonder I feel old!
We had a lovely morning of pancakes and ice cream for breakfast, with dad staying home to open pressie's with us.
The day consisted of wearing our pj's all day... then the new spiderman outfit, then opening a present of spiderman pj's, so back onto our pj's again. It's funny how he absolutely looooves spiderman. We have never talked about him, or even had the show on at home before. He pretends he is climbing walls and circles the pole in our lounge room like he is standing on a ledge of a 3o story building.... Weirdo.
It's amazing how kids get so obsessed with different shows. He still loves Bob (the builder) of course, now we just have spiderman wearing a tool belt, and being handy with the drill and handsaw.
Due to the two kids having dodgy ear infections again, I reluctant to leave the house, so we just had a little party at home with just us.
His favorite dinner at the moment is "corns mum", cool that's easy (I added a few more things of course!). After dinner we had the party hat's, lollies, balloons, streamers, party cakes, ice cream, tears of not wanting to go to bed, books, and then, happiness to go to bed.
Pheew, day done. Now there's just 364 days until he turns 4!