Friday, October 30, 2009

catch of the day....

Sorry for the delay in writing...a few of you have been complaining of my slackness ( you know who you are!) The days feel like they have just been getting shorter and shorter, while the jobs are taking longer and longer!

Well these are a few of the things I have been doing lately. 
I love to hand sew, I find it so relaxing to just sit down and sew, while the kids are asleep. I pretend that my house is spotless and the ironing and cleaning is doing itself....yeh right.

I had some little fish beads sitting here, just waiting for the perfect project...and this is what I came up with.
I wanted a nice little fiddly thing to you get your catch of the day - complete with the net still attached!

These cute little badges can be added to your hat, your jacket, your pants and shoes....or just about anywhere you think you need to show of your catch of the day!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

the crazy frame lady....

One of the things you will notice when you walk into my house is the fact that I have soooo much stuff. I collect things, everything, lots of things, things I like, little treasures, little nik nacs and creations.

Sometimes it gets a little crowded in here and I will have to do a little shuffle (not a dance - just a move around of stuff) and then it seems to fit.

I seem to have a little problem with one area though and that is wall space. We have walls of windows therefore making it impossible to house all my pictures that I buy. Stop buying I hear you say!

Aaaah highly unlikely - just build me more walls I say!

This is a new purchase I had to make - It is actually wrapping paper, and I thought it would look really cool framed.

I am going through a little obsession at the moment with chunky frames. The old thick chunkus melunkus ones that are usually hanging in galleries. Not the ones dripping in gold - the lovely white distressed ones, or pink, aqua, green, blue etc. I have found the cheapest frame place near me and they have the frames already painted white.

I find myself now just walking around the house and beyond looking for random things to frame! Craaaaaaaazzeeeeeeeee!

My wall at the market, carrying on my frame obsession.....

Saturday, October 10, 2009

is it a mirage....

New in for little bubble and tree this summer......
I love these shorts, well actually I love all the boys range for summer. So fun and fresh your boy will stand out in the crowd with these fun Mirage shorts.

With a handy front pocket for collecting special bits and bobs, your little explorer will have great fun filling his pockets, as he climbs trees, explores the yard - and just does what little boys love to do!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

where will I be today?....

It's market season, and this is where I will be for the next few crazy months or so.
I love markets though, who can't resist the latte's, the shopping, and catching up with fellow market buddies (as my husband calls them).
Soooooo buddies - see you today and anyone else that is around for a good shop with some lovely wares.